Any Delegate, Vestry, the Bishop and Council, the Chancellor, the Chair of the Committee on Constitution and Canons, and the Registrar of the Diocese may submit resolutions for consideration by the Convention by delivering them to the Secretary of the Convention at least thirty days prior to the date set for the Convention. They may also introduce resolutions at the Convention in accordance with the Rules of Order. -From Title I, Canon 3, Sec. 10
Proposed resolutions must be received at Diocesan House no later than FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 2025 to be posted on our convention website and included in convention packet. Resolutions proposed after January 10, will be made from the floor of convention with a requirement of a 2/3rds vote from the convention in order to be considered immediately.
Please download and read the resolution guide. You will find instructions on writing, formatting, and submitting your resolution as well as a blank version for you to use. You will need Microsoft Word to work with this document.