Bishop Brian Cole invites you to consider volunteering for diocesan convention. We need YOUR help to make this diocesan convention a success. Never been to convention? Want to see what goes on behind the scenes? Thinking about being a delegate and want a taste of convention? Want to participate with convention but only stay for part of the day? Consider volunteering to experience convention and help make this a year to remember. Volunteers receive all the fun snacks, swag, and lunch as visitors and delegates.

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Hi, I’m Bishop Brian. I’m going to talk to you today about a way to be engaged in our upcoming diocesan convention in February of 2025. We will gather at the Episcopal School of Knoxville for a convention whose theme will be Imagine Our Possibilities. It’s a timely theme as we consider what is and what might be for us as the people of God in this diocese.

And one way that we prepare for convention is with lots of volunteer support, along with our staff and Bishop & Council and clergy and lay delegates. It takes volunteers for us to take on and put on a convention. So consider the ways in which you might want to participate, either prior to convention or the actual experience of being at convention.

If you’re willing to serve as a volunteer, there’s no cost to be there. We also give you snacks and food, and you get to work with really good people. So consider at the end of this video, there will be a way for you to fill out a link to say yes, I’d like to volunteer. We will follow up with you on that.

It matters that the ways in which we show up, it’s true in the New Testament community that we, as members of a body of Christ, we need each other in a parish and in the diocese, in all the ways in which the church shows up. We do it in a variety of ways, and I would encourage you to take on that volunteer spirit.

That’s true for this state and for this region, and to offer that same kind of spirit to us now in the life of the church. When we gather together to make decisions, we do so in a transparent way, in a way where we listen to each other, learn together, and let the spirit guide us, and your volunteer support and help will allow us to be at our best as we prepare to make decisions, to pray together, to worship together, to go forth into God’s Kingdom in this diocese now.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for possibly giving your all for the Diocese of East Tennessee. Thanks.

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